The Resource Library


  • A Katrina Success Story: Louisiana’s 3,000 Unit Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Initiative

    Affordable Housing | Issue Brief | Publication | October 2012

    This brief introduces Louisiana’s 3,000 unit Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Program, and describes the important roles that state policy makers, homeless and disability advocates, and philanthropy played in creating the nation's first large scale cross-disability, integrated permanent supportive housing initiative. (2010)

  • The Oklahoma Enhanced Tier Payment System: Leveraging Medicaid to Improve Mental Health Provider Performance & Outcomes

    Medicaid | Mental Health & Substance Use | Issue Brief | Publication | October 2012

    The National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) commissioned TAC to author this case study of Oklahoma’s Enhanced Tier Payment System (ETPS). The ETPS leverages Medicaid financing to incentivize mental health providers for quality improvement of care. The paper describes the overall ETPS system design, the stakeholder…

  • Taking Integrated Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) to Scale: The Louisiana PSH Program

    Affordable Housing | Olmstead & Community Integration | Issue Brief | Publication | October 2012

    This brief summarizes the state of Louisiana’s 3,000 unit Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Program. Developed in response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, the program is the nation's first large scale cross-disability, integrated permanent supportive housing initiative to include sustainable funding for housing and for supportive services using…

  • Connecting with Medicaid: Strategies and Options for Providers of Substance Use Services

    Medicaid | Mental Health & Substance Use | Issue Brief | Publication | October 2012

    With the role of Medicaid as a purchaser of substance use treatment services greatly expanding as a result of national health reform, substance use providers will need to become familiar with the Medicaid program and the opportunities that exist for providing Medicaid funded substance use treatment services. This brief…

  • Connecting with Medicaid: Strategies & Options for Providers of Services to People who are Homeless

    Homelessness | Medicaid | Issue Brief | Publication | October 2012

    This brief summarizes various options for providers of services to people experiencing homelessness interested in establishing clearer pathways or connections with Medicaid, including changes to Medicaid eligibility as part of health reform and key questions to consider for providers interested in delivering Medicaid services. (June 2011)

  • Medicaid Eligibility: Enrollment Pathway Considerations for Vulnerable Populations

    Medicaid | Issue Brief | Publication | October 2012

    This brief provides an overview of the changes to Medicaid eligibility rules as part of health reform and enrollment pathway considerations for people with disabilities. It also identifies ways that advocates and others interested in Medicaid benefit design and enrollment issues can help ensure that people with disabilities have…