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Alineación de sistemas guía sobre modelos lógicos y teorías del cambio
Fact Sheet | Publication | December 2023Esta guía de TAC Systems Alignment Innovation Hub (SAIH) sobre modelos lógicos y teorías de cambio ofrece breves descripciones de seminarios web, capacitaciones, libros de trabajo y plantillas que pueden proporcionar una comprensión de estas dos herramientas relacionadas y ayudar a las organizaciones a desarrollar sus propios modelos.
Guide to Logic Models and Theories of Change
Fact Sheet | Publication | November 2023This guide from TAC Systems Alignment Innovation Hub (SAIH) offers brief descriptions of webinars, trainings, workbooks, and templates that can provide an understanding of these two related tools and help organizations develop their own models.
Boosting the Power of Harm Reduction for People with SUDs Experiencing Homelessness
Mental Health & Substance Use | Fact Sheet | Publication | February 2023This fact sheet series outlines recommended action steps and implementation examples on how government and nonprofit agencies may come together to achieve the goal of systems alignment and improved outcomes for people with substance use disorders who are experiencing homelessness.
Live-in Aides and the Housing Choice Voucher Program
Fact Sheet | Publication | October 2012One of the issues that Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) often face when assisting people with disabilities through the Housing Choice Voucher Program is that of live-in aides. This Fact Sheet provides information on live-in aides including U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulatory requirements and key definitions…