Ayana Dilday Gonzalez, M.A.

Headshot of Ayana Gonzalez

Ayana Dilday Gonzalez (she, her, hers) has over 20 years of experience in policies and practices related to affordable housing development and permanent supportive housing (PSH). She has worked in private and public sector affordable housing development and in public sector health and human services. Ms. Gonzalez is an expert in the design, financing, implementation, and evaluation of publicly funded PSH programs and provides training and facilitation for housing providers, service agencies, and state and local governments on PSH expansion and fidelity. She has extensive knowledge of federal and state programs used to finance housing and services for low-income and vulnerable populations, including the HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) program, the 811 PRA program, and the Continuum of Care (CoC) program. She works with CoCs and CoC-funded programs to maximize opportunities to prevent and end homelessness, and to disrupt systemic and institutional policies that perpetuate disparate outcomes for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), youth and young adults, and other marginalized populations of people experiencing homelessness.

Recent Publications

Eviction Prevention: A Toolkit for Tenants & Service Providers