Jenna Espinosa, M.S.W.

Headshot of Jenna Espinosa

Jenna Espinosa has over nine years of experience in the field of housing for people experiencing homelessness, with a focus on program design and rapid rehousing program management. She brings extensive knowledge of federal grant programs for people experiencing homelessness, including the Continuum of Care program, the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program, and the Emergency Solutions Grant program. Ms. Espinosa also provides expertise in best practices for landlord engagement.

In her previous role at the Pine Street Inn in Boston, MA, Ms. Espinosa developed policies and procedures for an interagency rapid rehousing initiative; supported partner organizations in housing people experiencing homelessness and in complying with federal, state, and local regulations; organized stakeholder committees; and supported housing search staff in engaging property owners to rent to rapid rehousing program participants.

Recent Publications

Aligning Expectations to Improve Hospital Discharge Planning for People Experiencing Homelessness