Systems of Care for Homelessness and Substance Use Disorders in Portland, OR

In September 2022, Portland, Oregon’s Homeless Strategy and Solutions Initiative (HSSI) Behavioral Health Work Group engaged TAC to summarize available reports, data, funding, and agencies responsible for meeting the substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, service, and housing needs of people experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. The resulting report describes the essential features of an SUD system of care for the three counties of the Portland Metro Area, and provides recommended initial actions to execute cross-system alignment and coordination.

Resolving Homelessness: The Critical Need for a Substance Use Disorder System of Care — A report commissioned by the Homeless Strategies and Solutions Initiative

To further outline the necessity of evidence-based supported employment services that would be required to advance the economic conditions of this population, HSSI re-engaged TAC in June of 2023. TAC conducted and analyzed key informant interviews, utilized available data, and outlined the barriers and gaps in the availability of supported employment programming for those with SUD who had exited homelessness through HUD Continuum of Care affordable and supportive housing. The resulting report, “The Role of Employment in Ending Homelessness”, made high-level recommendations to address the gaps in availability of supported employment.

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