Eric Gammons

Headshot of Eric Gammons

Eric Gammons has over 36 years of experience working in the social services field, specializing in homeless systems of care, supportive housing models, management information systems, and ending homelessness on a community-wide basis. He is an expert on configuring, implementing, and monitoring federally funded projects in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) according to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) standards, and on incorporating coordinated entry systems within HMIS to create a seamless housing priority system. Mr. Gammons is skilled in the development and implementation of programs that address the core issues of homelessness, and is a proven evaluator. As a Continuum of Care leader, he coordinated regional efforts to expand permanent housing opportunities and to merge nine HMIS implementations into one statewide system. Mr. Gammons is a veteran of Operation Desert Shield/Storm serving in the U.S. Army.