Megan Lee, L.P.C.

Photo of Megan Lee

Megan Lee has over ten years of experience working with federal, state, and local government; providers and community partners; and other stakeholders to address the needs of people with behavioral health conditions. At TAC, she supports state and local government agencies and providers in crisis and system of care system assessment and implementation, community integration, and parity compliance. Prior to joining TAC, Mrs. Lee served in the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration where she oversaw the development of a multimodal statewide behavioral health crisis system; her focus was on change management through landscape analysis, strategic planning, and TA and problem-solving to promote both innovation and adherence to evidence-based practices. She was involved in extensive engagement with providers, law enforcement, people with lived experience, and other partners to create positive relationships and improve access to care across the state, including in rural and underserved areas. She has worked in community-based settings as an intensive case manager and clinician providing services for individuals experiencing serious mental illness; delivering trauma-informed care; addressing the social-economic needs of individuals and families; and promoting stability through meaningful engagement and intervention. Mrs. Lee’s experience also includes starting Colorado’s first coordinated specialty care team to address the needs of individuals experiencing their first episode of psychosis, and to provide support and education to their families and communities.