State & Local Affordable Housing Planning

The shortage of affordable rental housing in the United States is a major barrier to community integration for people with disabilities. With incomes that average only 20 percent of area median income, many people with significant disabilities are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or unnecessarily institutionalized. None of these living situations is safe, especially during a pandemic such as that caused by COVID-19.

Modern apartment building with trees outside, on a sunny day

TAC’s finance expertise and knowledge of mainstream resources help states develop sustainable housing models for extremely low-income households and increase the supply of integrated housing for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and for people with disabilities living in congregate and institutional settings.

TAC’s annual Priced Out report has shown that people whose sole source of income is SSI cannot afford market rate rental housing anywhere in the United States.

Areas of Expertise

  • State and local strategies to leverage mainstream resources for deeply subsidized housing
  • Leveraging mainstream resources to develop integrated housing for vulnerable populations, including for compliance with Olmstead settlement agreements
  • Preservation of existing housing for vulnerable populations including SRO Mod Rehab and Section 811 Capital Advance/PRAC
  • Project-basing federal vouchers for affordable housing and permanent supportive housing
Group 4