Janice Miller, M.P.H., M.S.W.

Headshot of Janice Miller

Janice Miller has worked for more than 30 years on emergency and long-term housing solutions, with a particular emphasis on working with people experiencing intimate partner and sexual violence (IPSV). Ms. Miller has consulted on policy discussions about increasing housing and health care access for survivors without compromising confidentiality; strategies for local Continuums of Care (CoCs) and local victim service providers to work more collaboratively; creating plain language documents and streamlining systems to increase accessibility in programs; and addressing the trauma of direct service workers in parallel with the vulnerable populations they serve.  Current projects include the design and implementation of coordinated entry systems for survivors of violence and for families; evaluation of CoCs to improve the response to community homelessness; and facilitating the implementation of Medicaid-funded housing and support services for people experiencing homelessness, aging-related health care needs, or disability. In 2021, Ms. Miller received an MPH Capstone Award for Outstanding Achievement for original research showing the undercounting of survivors of intimate partner violence in Maryland. Results from a national replication study were presented in 2023.

Prior to joining TAC, Ms. Miller worked as a Director with the House of Ruth Maryland, creating and scaling up its statewide Safe Homes Strong Communities rapid rehousing program and Victim Coordinated Entry program for the Baltimore City Continuum of Care.