Chelsea Mahoney, B.S.W.

Headshot for Chelsea Mahoney

Chelsea Mahoney (she, her, hers) has more than nine years of experience in the social service field including inpatient services, community crisis, direct case management, and nonprofit management. Her professional experience has addressed mental and behavioral health, homelessness, and housing instability.

Ms. Mahoney has experience administering and operating grants through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program, the HUD Emergency Solutions Grant program, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Community Services Block Grant program.

Prior to joining TAC, Ms. Mahoney served as the Director of Programs for Passage Home Inc., Wake County’s Community Action Agency, located in Raleigh, NC. She was responsible for administering community-wide pilots for diversion services, implementing increased community collaboration efforts, and strategic planning for homeless and housing services throughout Wake County.