Improving Behavioral Health Service Delivery to Children in Pennsylvania’s Medicaid Program

TAC is providing consultation and technical assistance to the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services to review and analyse the state’s efforts to provide behavioral health services and supports to Medicaid beneficiaries under the age of 21 – including children in foster care or at risk of foster care placement – in the least restrictive, most integrated settings possible. TAC has reviewed coverage of behavioral health services for children under the state’s Medicaid program, including existing Medicaid authorities and managed care contracts, and compared these both with other states’ coverage of similar benefits and with national guidance; assessed the adequacy of the behavioral health provider network for children in the Medicaid program; examined service utilization and expenditure data to identify potential gaps in access to care; and facilitated key informant interviews to enhance the analysis. TAC will produce a final report to the state summarizing findings from these activities and providing recommendations for improvements in the coverage and delivery of behavioral health services to children in the Medicaid program, including those services that are essential to meet the complex needs of children in foster care.

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