Southern Nevada Plan to End Youth Homelessness

In 2017, Southern Nevada experienced the third highest rate of unaccompanied youth homelessness in the nation. The community recognized the urgent need for a dedicated response to this crisis, and TAC was hired to facilitate the planning process and ultimately draft the first ever Southern Nevada Plan to End Youth Homelessness.

Through a series of on-site visits and regularly scheduled meetings between April and October 2018, TAC staff worked with the Southern Nevada community to create decision-making bodies for the planning process, identify gaps and areas of need in their current system based on data, establish goals and strategies to prevent and end youth homelessness, and continuously increase the integration of the local Youth Action Board.

The pinnacle of the engagement was the Summit to End Youth Homelessness, where the plan was debuted to the community. During the Summit, TAC staff facilitated group brainstorming sessions focused on implementation and next steps with identified strategies.

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