Maseta Dorley, M.A.

Headshot of Maseta Dorley

Maseta Dorley, M.A., has 17 years of experience supporting nonprofit organizations in various capacities including case manager, certified housing counselor, and program director for homeless prevention and rapid rehousing (HPRP) under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Ms. Dorley began providing consulting and technical assistance when she served as a housing specialist for a managed care organization (MCO) monitoring HUD programs and completing performance reports for nonprofit organizations in a two-county catchment area. In this role, she facilitated the establishment of a county-wide homeless response system which connected to the statewide Balance of State CoC to serve homeless populations through permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, rapid rehousing, supportive services, and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) projects. Ms. Dorley has chaired strategic planning for CoCs, served as a coach for communities to develop an equitable process for their coordinated entry systems, and provided training and technical assistance for communities to establish authentic partnerships with persons with lived experience in system planning and service delivery. Additional subject matter of expertise includes CoC governance and capacity-building, qualitative data analysis, rural and Balance of State CoCs, and fostering partnerships between CoC, public housing agencies, and Emergency Solutions Grant programs. Ms. Dorley currently sits on the HUD Rural Workgroup where she serves as the Co-Lead for the Special NOFO Rural team.

Prior to providing national training and technical assistance, Ms. Dorley provided nonprofit management and consulting services, specializing in board development, program design, fundraising, project management, grant writing, and administration.