Phillip Allen, M.A.

Headshot of Phillip Allen

Phil Allen has over 13 years of experience working on issues associated with ending and preventing homelessness. He has expertise in rural homelessness solutions, accessing Veteran services, implementing rapid rehousing and homelessness prevention programs, and building community collaboration to find systemic solutions to help vulnerable populations. Mr. Allen played an active role in the community process of Maine’s Continuums of Care: developing Veteran partnerships, helping to develop coordinated entry, improving data quality, and serving as a committee lead. At TAC, he is a member of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Technical Assistance team, helping grantees and communities to develop and implement effective programs.

Prior to joining TAC, Mr. Allen was the program director for Maine’s statewide SSVF grant and worked on the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing grant in Portland, ME. He has also worked in rural Colorado, San Diego (CA) County, and Tijuana, Mexico on issues associated with extreme poverty and homelessness. In 2007, Mr. Allen participated in the “Baja Challenge” in rural La Mesa, Mexico, helping to set a world record for the most homes built in a single day.