The Resource Library


  • Integrating Substance Use Disorder Treatment & Mainstream Medical Care: Four Ground-Level Experiences

    Report | Publication | June 2018

    This brief offers four examples of the integration of SUD treatment and mainstream medical care. Rather than search for a uniform set of requisite traits, we decided to show why and how four very different groups of providers have moved toward integrated care. (2018)

  • Creating New Integrated Permanent Supportive Housing Opportunities for ELI Households: A Vision for the Future of the National Housing Trust Fund

    Report | Publication | April 2015

    The  National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) program, which is primarily targeted to rental housing for extremely low-income (ELI) households, represents an important opportunity for states to shape the future of our nation’s ELI housing policies, including a robust expansion of integrated permanent supportive housing (PSH) units for the most…

  • State Funded Housing Assistance Programs

    Report | Publication | April 2014

    Many states have established state funded programs to address the affordable housing crisis among people with disabilities or people who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. This report presents findings of a review conducted by TAC of state funded rental assistance and homelessness prevention programs across the U.S. for…

  • Federal Financing of Supported Employment & Customized Employment for People with Mental Illness: Final Report

    Report | Publication | October 2012

    The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in conjunction with the Federal Employment Workgroup on Disability, commissioned a review of the federal financing mechanisms used by state agencies to implement the evidence-based employment models known as Individual Placement…